Isolated soy protein for food, sausage, meat



Various meat products, such as meatballs, surimi, bacon, fried sausages, smoked sausages, hot dogs, salami sausage, and meat products produced by direct dry powder tumbling.



检测项目Test item 检测标准Standard 检测结果Result
外观Appearance Light yellow or milky white Conforms
味道和气味Taste and Odour


Has the unique taste and smell of this product, no other peculiar smell,no visible impurities Conforms
杂质 Impurity No visible exogenous impurity Conforms

(N.x 6.25 on dry basis(g/100g))

≥90.0 90.4
Fat (%) ≤1.0 0.54
水份Moisture(%) ≤ 7.0 6.35
灰份Ash(%) ≤8.0 4.8
Crude fiber (dry basis, %) ≤ 0.5 0.36
PH 6-8 7.6
砷As (mg/kg) ≤2 Conforms
重金属Heavy metal (mg/kg) ≤5 Conforms
细菌总数Total Plate Count (CFU/g) ≤10000 Conforms
大肠菌群(MPN/g) Coliforms ≤100 <10
沙门氏菌 Salmonella Not detected per 25g Not detected

Staphylococcus aureus/25g

Not detected Not detected

Yeast and Mould (CFU/g)

≤50 <10
用途 Application Various meat products, such as meatballs, surimi, bacon, fried sausages, smoked sausages, hot dogs, salami sausage, and meat products produced by direct dry powder tumbling.